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Flowers by Katie Ford Bouquet

we skillfully craft

personalized creations using a diverse range of colors, textures, and seasonal elements to encapsulate the natural and distinctive grace, charm, and beauty of each bloom. Each composition, whether organic, elegant, or classic, is marked by thoughtful and unexpected touches, always crafted with a genuine 

sense of joy.


about laura

Laura was thirteen when she found her love of flowers.From then on she spent 6 wonderful years being mentored at a flower shop in her hometown.

She continued her floral training there until she attended State University of New York at Oneonta. Following graduation she moved to Chicago to work in events at The University of Chicago and The Chicago Botanic Garden.

After taking time off to raise her three children, she returned to floral design in 2021. In January 2024 she bloomed her passion for Florals into Flowers by Laura Lou. 


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the team

Leigh Moss
Floral Designer/Accounts Manager

Leigh graduated from Miami University with a BS in Business, and a major in Marketing. She spent many years working as a buyer in the retail industry. Leigh left the business world to raise her three children with her husband Jim. Now an empty nester, Leigh has rediscovered her artistic eye and her love of flowers.  Her favorite bloom is a peony. 

Lisa Burton
Floral Designer

Lisa graduated from Valparaiso University with a BS degree in Nursing. She spent 20 years working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. She has four children with her husband Patrick and two rescue pups. Lisa has always loved the outdoors, nature and flowers and spends time outside whenever possible. Her favorite flower is the Dalia.

Sonja Kosobucki
Floral Designer

Sonja graduated from Roosevelt University, majoring in Hospitality Management.  She spent nearly 20 years in the Lecture Industry in the roles of sales and vice president.  Sonja has a passion for flowers, gardening, and plants combined with a need to be creative.  She has a loving husband, two children, and adorable Wheaten Terrier. Her favorite flower is an English Rose.  

Annie Colquhoun
Floral Designer/Creative Engineer

Annie received her undergraduate degree from Brown University and her MBA from the Kellogg School of Business. She spent her years in the corporate world working as a Fraud and External Affairs Manager. Annie then went on to pursue a passion of hers and earned her professional culinary degree in the pastry arts. She also showcases her creative talents in her paintings and needlepoint creations. Annie and her husband, John have two children. Her favorite flower is a ranunculus.

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